State-of the-art robust 3D watermarking schemes already withstand combinations of a wide variety of attacks (e.g. noise addition, simplification, smoothing, etc). Nevertheless, there are practical limitations of existing 3D watermarking methods due to their extreme sensitivity to cropping. Spread Transform Dither Modulation (STDM) method is an extension of Quantization Index Modulation (QIM). Besides the simplicity and the trade-off between high capacity and robustness provided by QIM methods, it is also resistant against re-quantization. This paper focuses on two state-of-theart techniques which offer different and complementary advantages, respectively QIM-based 3D watermarking and feature point-based watermarking synchronization. The idea is to combine both in such a way that the new scheme would benefit from the advantages of both techniques and compensate for their respective fragilities. The resulting scheme does not make use of the original 3D model in detection but of some parameters as side-information. We show that robustness against cropping and other common attacks is achieved provided that at least one feature point as well as its corresponding local neighborhood is retrieved.