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Diffusion tensor imaging, the most common model of the diffusion signal, is unable to represent the signal arising from water molecules diffusing in different compartments such as multiple fascicles and the extra-axonal space. Multi-fascicle models overcome this limitation by providing a parametric representation for each compartment, allowing the development of new brain network modeling.Sep 19, 2017
Image/video segmentation aims at partitioning the visual frames into non-overlapping areas with different semantical contents. It has tremendous applications in data compression, tracking, augmented reality, activity or object recognition, video annotation and video retrieval. Our group focus on fast and efficient segmentation methods, in such a way to extract content with high-level of abstraction from videos.Sep 1, 2017
In the context of sport events, this project deals with the improvement of a player detector based on a foreground detector. It considers some visual texture features in order to discriminate true from false detections.Sep 1, 2017
One of the most successful image fusion strategies is based on the Laplacian pyramid decomposition. In the context of multi-scale fusion, the Laplacian pyramid decomposition has recently been demonstrated to be effective for several challenging tasks to enhance images and videos.Sep 1, 2017
This work is aimed at developing a semi-automate system to animate facial expressions. The system consists of detection of facial expressions and Computer Graphics animations of a facial charactor.Sep 1, 2017
Computer vision tools drive the automatic and democratic production of sport events video reports, by using scene analysis to select an appropriate viewpoint in a static and/or dynamic multi-camera infrastructure.Sep 1, 2017
Respiratory induced motion of organs and tumors is a technical challenge in radiation therapy since it compromises treatment accuracy. Recently available optical surface scanners have opened the door of modeling and predicting internal motion from external skin surface motion.Sep 19, 2014
This project concerns with the application of compressive sensing principles for characterizing transparent objects using schlieren deflectometry. This is an instance of real world applications of compressed sensing.Sep 17, 2014