Accepted paper: “MPL: Lifting 3D Human Pose from Multi-view 2D Poses” by Seyed Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh, A. Alahi, and C. De Vleeschouwer, to be presented at “T-CAP: Towards a Complete Analysis of People: Fine-grained Understanding for Real-World Applications” workshop at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, Milan, 1-4 Oct 2024).

MPL is a 3D human pose lifter that takes multi-view 2D poses as its inputs. The main challenge in multi-view 3D human pose estimation is lack of real-life images paired with 3D. This challenge is bypassed in MPL by relying on a two-stage framework consisting of an off-the-shelf 2D pose estimator and a multi-view 3D pose lifter. More information here