This page lists all the OpenScience activities of the ISPGroup, including the developmement of toolboxes, codecs, librairies, softwares, as well as the creation of datasets.
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DeepsportlabDeepSportLab; a Unified Framework for BallDetection, Player Instance Segmentationand Pose Estimation in Team Sports Scenes
Yet Another Wavelet toolbox (YAWTB)Welcome to the Yet Another Wavelet toolbox. The purpose of this toolbox is to implement in Matlab 1D, 2D, 3D Continuous Wavelet Transforms (CWTs), 1D+Time (spatio-temporal) CWT, (Stereographical) Spherical CWT, 2D dyadic Frames (isotropic and directional), (in development) Spherical Frames of Stereographical Wavelets This Matlab toolbox is hosted on GitHub
OpenjpegThe OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language. Thanks to its active development and its BSD license, it has been chosen by the JPEG Committee to shortly become one of its reference software.
DeepSport basketball-instants datasetThis basketball dataset was acquired under the Walloon region project DeepSport, using the Keemotion system installed in multiple arenas.
Spiroudome datasetSPIROUDOME basketball dataset.
APIDIS datasetAPIDIS basketball dataset